AQ:SC Strategy and narratives Barcelona 2013 - today
Latest and highlighted jobs:
- Paral·lel62 - Strategy and narrative for a new concert Hall and community music building in el Raval, Barcelona, 2022
- Community and place brand strategy, positioning and narratives. La Selva Tourism Association, 2021
- Strategy, narrative and visual identity for a socio-retail and cultural strategic plan at The Paral·lel Avenue area from Barcelona. Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2021
- Barcelona Centre de Disseny: Direcció de continguts en la Immersió estratégica sobre la sostenibilitat i l’acceleració en la transformació, 2020
- Direcció de Serveis a les Persones i al Territorial del Districte de Nou Barris de Barcelona, Suport tècnic NouBarris Tech, sobre la utilització d’espais buits per benefici comunitari, 2020
- Direcció de Comerç de Barcelona, Suport tècnic, 2019-20
- Born Comerç i Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona: Pilot tecnològic per la transparència amb Provenance (UK) i Publicació El Born, 2019
- Direcció de Serveis a les Persones i al Territorial del Districte de Sant Andreu i Direcció de Comerç de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona : Posicionament i estratègia de marca de l’Eix de Sant Andreu de Barcelona, 2019
- Consell Comarcal del Moianès, Suport tècnic en participació ciutadana, 2019
- Barcelona Comerç: Estratègia per l’activació de plantes baixes en desús als Eixos comercials de Barcelona Comerç de Barcelona, 2019
- Eix Sant Andreu de Barcelona i Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona: Estratègia per el posicionament i la comunicació de l’Eix de Sant Andreu de Barcelona, 2018
- Carnissers i Xarcuters de Catalunya amb AQMM: estratègia de marca (posiconament, identitat, relat), creació d’identitat visual i anàlisi de tendències intel·ligent en el sector de la carn 2019
- Direcció de Comerç de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona: Pla estratègic de dinamització del comerç de l'Avinguda del Paral·lel de Barcelona, 2018
- Future Places: Research & publication on International Cultural Districts branding and identity for Global Cultural Districts Network (NY) 2017
- La Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona: Pla d'accions estratègic per la formació d'un BID (Business Improvement District) amb els comerciants i la comunitat local de Sant Andreu de Barcelona , 2017
- The Spur Project: Mentoring and consultancy on re-using empty spaces for urban revitalisation and creative benefit. Working on the re-use of six sites and urban areas in six cities from the EU, Le Lait Art Centre from Albí, Bureau des Arts et Territoires from Montpellier, Es Baluard from Mallorca, Sputnik from Bratislava, Fundazione per l'Arte from Roma, El Bòlit Centre d'Art Contemporani from Girona , 2017-2018
- Ajuntament de Barcelona (ICUB, Comerç Ciutat Vella i Foment de Ciutat Vella): Projecte Mentrestant per l’ús temporals d’espais buits per ús comunitari a Barcelona, 2013-2014
Head of Projects, Provenance Ltd. London 2015-2016 Tracking food, drinks and fashion on the blockchain. Provenance is a real-time data platform that empowers brands to take steps toward greater transparency by tracing the origins and histories of products. With Provenance you discover the unique story of origins, places, people and materials behind products.
Co-founder and CEO, Cu-Cu App. London 2014-2015 (Today: co-founder) The App that matches space users with space owners. Cu-Cu simplifies bureaucracies to facilitate anyone to make use of a sharable or empty space in the UK, rent-free and for a long-term urban revitalisation made by people from the local community
Co-Founder and director, Unlimited Meanwhile Ltd. and Mentrestant. London-Barcelona 2013-2015 International consultancy on urban revitalization at a human scale. I worked on the re-use of empty space for positive social and economic impact in the Uk and Barcelona
Innovation and development, Meanwhile Space CIC. London 2013-14 Worked to understand the Meanwhile opportunities and create a plan to scale the business internationally and through technology
Project Coordinator, Meanwhile Space CIC London 2013
Marketing and sales - Marketing, sales and consumer insight at The London Book Fair and 100% Design B2B events. London, April 2011 to January 2012
Creative events Industry in the UK
Creative Industries events. Management, marketing and fundraising in the UK
Spanish Ministry of Culture, 2012
Research contributors: MIDEM Festival (Reed Exhibitions Ltd), Julie’s Bicycle, Hay Festival Gales, British Council (Creative and Cultural Economy), The London Book Fair, The UK Publishers Association, The London Jazz Festival (BBC Radio 3). London, 2010 - 2011
Assistant Director - Artdekium Design Centre (Finland). February to July 2007
Invited lecturer at the Postgraduate course “Revitalize Urban Areas” at the University of Girona, 2020
Tech City Event for Retail “On blockchain, transparency and sustainability”, 2019
Lecture on “Revitalize urban areas, governance models”, La Cambra de Comerç & BCN Oberta, 2018
Lecture “The reuse of empty space. Towards a methodology”. First of a series of sessions to reuse empty space for artists benefit in Europe. The Spur European Project, September 2016, El Bòlit, Girona
Conference on "The benefits of temporary uses for place-making and revitalisation", La Volta. Bolit Arts Centre, Girona, 11th December 2014
Conference at the Seminar "The temporary use of urban spaces", CCCB, Barcelona, 24th and 26th November, 2014
Conference on "The re-use of empty spaces and the benefits for cities", La Diputacio Government, Barcelona, 2014
Conference on Meanwhile Uses, Seeds Meeting, Shefield, 2014
Lecturer at Imatra University about Creative Events Management, Finland, 2007
EU Award for Young Entrepreneurs, London - Barcelona, 2012
Culturex Award for Creative Industries' Young Professions from the Spanish Ministry of Culture 2011
Leonardo Da Vinci Award for Young Professionals to work in Music Events and Industry, 2010
Meanwhile Connect (Technology), London 2014 Awarded by Innovate UK on 2014
A business plan to expand the Meanwhile Space CIC and Unlimited Meanwhile Ltd business into technology. Meanwhile Connect has become Cu-Cu App to match underused space owners with people looking for exciting commercial locations where to start, test or grow their ideas. Spaces are available from 1 day up to a full calendar yea
Unlimited Meanwhile Ltd, London 2013 Awarded EU for Entrepreneurs on 2012
Business plan to expand the Meanwhile Space CIC business into an international consultancy and to set up a delivery arm from Meanwhile Space CI
Mentoring at Mentrestant Barcelona and Meanwhile Space CIC, 2014 Awarded EU for Entrepreneurs on 2012
Workshops design and delivery for Meanwhile Space CIC and Mentrestant's tenants in London and Barcelona about start-up business modelling, design thinking for business, user driven innovation and user experience modelling to re-think the development, barriers and opportunities from the new business and its infrastructure